Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Things to Avoid for Your Pets this Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is once again approaching and the smell of roses and chocolates are getting stronger. But as pet owners, we must not take our loveable pets for granted. Although some of us make give Valentine gifts for them, we must know which item cannot harm them. Yes, there are food and items are not allowed and tolerable to them.

Recently, the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association has provided tips on how to avoid unwanted incidents for your pets this Valentine’s Day.

Chocolates are one of the famous gifts this Valentine season. But did you know that it is also one of the most harmful or poisonous food for our dogs and cats. The darker the chocolates, the more toxic it gets. Darker chocolates contain stronger caffeine-like stimulant that cause gastrointestinal, neurologic and cardiac functions that can cause hyperactivity, seizures, vomiting, diarrhea and increased heart rate. And by the way, all types of chocolates can do the harm for our pets including milk, semi-sweet and baker’s chocolates.

Aside from chocolates, roses or any kind of flowers with thorns are a no-no to our pets. They can be bitten, swallowed or step-on by our dear pets. These activities can cause puncture which can result in serious infections inside and out.

Another thing that can cause harmful effects to our pets is Cocktails. It can cause serious problems including diarrhea, vomiting, lack of coordination, tremors, central nervous system depression, difficulty breathing, and even coma.

As for cats, all species of lily are hazardous to them. Cats that swallowed lilies can have stomach upset, vomiting or diarrhea. So please, watch out for your flower arrangements.

In addition, lighted candles have to be given an attention too. Be sure to blow out any lighted candles and put away wrapping paper and bows from gifts you received after opening.

Let us enjoy Valentine’s Day and nurture our loved ones, and that includes our pets.

Friday, January 20, 2012


For my first post, I would like to feature the photo of our new puppy named Chacha, or Cha-cha. She has gained a bit of popularity at the Dailypuppy.com because of her cute image. I also featured her images on my photography blog, MyCapturedAdventure.blogspot.com. (see more of her cute pictures there.)

In this blog, you'll going to read all about dogs; their behavior, dog care, training and news. You can post your dog's pictures, comments, suggestions and questions too.